In this BarTrack Live online event, “Kegs Win - Sustainable, Efficient, Fresh”, Dan Vorlage, Executive Director of the Steel Keg Association, and Brett Danielson, CEO and Co-founder of BarTrack, share their missions, journeys, and thoughts on how to revolutionize the way the hospitality industry thinks about kegs and beverages on draft. Stream on demand to learn more about why kegs are the most sustainable, efficient, profitable, and freshest quality option for bars, restaurants, and breweries.
“This is an incredible sustainability story that’s never been told and the mission for the Steel Keg Association is now to really tell that story so we can increase volume for the beer industry,” says Dan Vorlage, Executive Director of the Steel Keg Association.
Every time you serve or enjoy a pint from steel kegs, you’re helping to remove single-use containers from recycling and landfill streams. Kegs remove over 6 billion containers each year in the U.S. alone!
Are you familiar with the term “circularity”? In a circular economy, once the consumer is finished with a product, it goes back into the supply chain rather than waste streams. This concept can be applied to draft beer because steel kegs can be reused for 30+ years making the most efficient use of our planet’s finite resources and helping to minimize environmental impacts!
Not only is draft beer great for revenue at the bar, but it’s also an awesome way to go green and support sustainability in the hospitality industry! In fact, when you really break down the waste associated with non-reusable containers, the numbers are staggering. In the U.S. 900+ million gallons of beer, 5+ billion gallons of water, 25+ million pounds of hops, and $1 billion in ingredients like grains, yeast, etc. are wasted annually.
These numbers are staggering. This waste comes from multiple sources including non-recyclable packaging, and beer wasted at the bar and taproom due to spillage or quality-related issues. The sustainability impacts of draft beer and tools like BarTrack can make a tremendous impact in the Hospitality industry, for the greater good. Did you know, that steel kegs remove the equivalent amount of greenhouse gas emission sequestered by 6,614,034 seedlings grown for 10 years?
“While kegs are the sustainable option for bars and restaurants, they are also economically advantageous,” explains Brett Danielson, CEO of BarTrack. “Kegs offer tighter margins than bottled or canned beer and with tools like BarTrack, you can maximize quality to ensure perfect pours, streamline the inventory process, and automate detailed reporting to create KPI-driven actionable goals.”
Bars, restaurants, and brewery taprooms can make a profound impact on the industry by pouring draft. According to the Brewer’s Association, in just one year, a 10-line draft system moving 1/2 BBL every 2 weeks, saves 43,000 cans and bottles from waste streams. Furthermore, draft beverages and kegs offer significantly better revenue margins.